CDFinder-CMM is a contextual menu module that integrates CDFinder into the MacOs and the Finder.
2. System requirements
CDFinder-CMM requires CDFinder 2.7, MacOS >= 8.1 and a PowerPC.
3. How to install CDFinder-CMM?
Simply copy the file "CDFinder-CMM" onto your closed, active system folder. The MacOS will copy the file into the appropriate sub folder (Contextual Menu Items) for you. Then it is a good idea to restart the Mac.
To improve communication between CDFinder and the CMM, it is also a good idea to launch the most current version of CDFinder (2.7 or newer) at least once. That allows CDFinder to add some additional information to the preferences file.
After installation, the CMM will display additional menu commands in a context menu, if appropriate. That works in all applications that use Apples Contextual Menu Manager functions. Microsoft Office does not use it, so it won't work (that's not really a surprise, isn't it?)
4. What can CDFinder-CMM do for you?
Since the CMM is an extension to the contextual menus, its options depend on the current selection of items or text.
If the selected items are:
- one volume: The CMM allows you to search for the name of the volume, create a catalog of the volume, or create a catalog and eject the volume afterwards.
- multiple volumes: In that case, the CMM will only give you the choice to create a catalog of the volumes, or create a catalog and eject the volumes afterwards.
- one file: That will give you the option to find the name of the file, or the file type, or creator. That is also a good way to directly see a files creator and filetype without any additional software!
- one folder: Will let you find the name of the folder, but also to use that folder as the main catalog folder in CDFinder!!
- any text: Here the CMM will allow you to search for the text in CDFinder.
Of course, the CMM does not do all that stuff by itself, it will let CDFinder do the work for you. If CDFinder is not yet running, it will be launched automatically. That is the reason why a current version of CDFinder should be launched at least once before the CMM is used.
There are tow more menu options in the CMM:
Preferences will let you choose wether you want any Find process be started immediately, or if the CMM shall just bring up the Find window and set the proper values.
About CDFinder-CMM is a simple About window, but you can see the version number there.
This is the very first version of the CDFinder-CMM.
As always, I am very very happy for any suggestions, ideas, bug reports, and Peanut Butter Puffs....